Nonviolent Communication™ Skills in Education and Learning

“Children need far more than basic skills in reading, writing, and math, as important as those might be. Children also need to learn how to think for themselves, how to find meaning in what they learn, and how to work and live together.”

- Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

By using Nonviolent Communication skills in education and learning, you can bring effective classroom communication skills into your existing school curriculum. When Nonviolent Communication is integrated in the school community and the classroom, it leads to reduced stress for you and your students, improved cooperation between students, parents, and faculty, as well as substantially improved academic results and overall student efficacy.

Unfortunately, mainstream primary and secondary education curricula are still firmly framed within institutional power dynamics and culturally appropriated control over official knowledge. Most students retain little or no autonomy over their educational journeys, and learning takes on the form of a production line economy versus a hand-crafted work of art.

In this system, students remain primarily motivated to succeed based on fear of retribution for failure from their “higher ups” including teachers, administrators, parents, etc. Students generally retain that which aids their survival, and not that which enriches their lives as human beings. But by using Nonviolent Communication skills in education and learning, you can create a culture of acceptance, support, and mutual respect where true growth can take place for teachers and learners alike long after the school bell sounds every weekday afternoon.

Gain Effective Classroom Communication Skills

Using Nonviolent Communication to gain effective classroom communication skills also helps foster interpersonal intelligence and character in your students. This allows for students to reconcile their own choice and freedom with the fact that they do have an effect and an impact on others. This helps them live effectively in a culture of interdependence, in which both our impact on others AND our freedom of choice are both valued as important. Ultimately, students become connected to the intrinsic reasons, the needs, behind taking actions rather than choosing behaviors based on whether they will be punished or rewarded. By learning to use Nonviolent Communication in education, you will gain effective classroom communication skills, including:

  • Improving safety, trust, and cooperation in the classroom and school
  • Empowering and strengthening meaningful bonds between students
  • Facilitating active non-judgement and mutually beneficial collaboration with parents
  • Increased cohesion with fellow faculty, administrators, and other staff
  • Maximizing students’ interest, retention, and ownership of their learning and body of work

Would you like to learn more about how you can gain effective classroom communication skills? Click below to read up on the many benefits of applying NVC for education.

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Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg’s Advice on NVC for Education

Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg spent his life leading the Nonviolent Communication (NVC) revolution. He worked tirelessly to help students, faculty, administrators, and parents all over the world learn that “Life-Enriching Education" (as he passionately called it) is much more than letter grades on report cards at the end of each school year. Dr. Marshall Rosenberg’s advice on NVC for education is equally applicable for formal and information educators, as well as learners of all ages and life situations:

“Power-Over leads to punishment and violence. Power-With leads to compassion and understanding, and to learning motivated by reverence for life rather than fear, guilt, shame, or anger.”

- Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Read more advice inspired by how Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg envisioned NVC for education.

Creating an Emotionally Safe Classroom With PuddleDancer Press

PuddleDancer Press is the foremost proponent and publisher of books to help you create an emotionally safe classroom where your students can flourish as people and pupils alike. Employing Nonviolent Communication skills and classroom conflict resolution techniques helps maximize student potential by fostering emotional safety and trust between learners and educators. With PuddleDancer Press, you can create an emotionally safe classroom for everybody!

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NVC gives teachers easy steps for peaceful communication and a new way to work with children and parents.

Barbara Moffitt – Executive Director, National Center for Montessori Educators

Living Nonviolent Communication in Teaching and Learning

Living nonviolent communication in teaching and learning is totally achievable. To this end, so is living nonviolent communication in every other area of our daily lives too…. including:

If you would like to get more information about living nonviolent communication in teaching and learning, we welcome you to Get in Touch With Us.